I received this story and knew you might appreciate it. What happens when you’re young, single, the sole provider for all you need and you face financial challenges. And then your pastor stands up and issues a challenge to tithe. The following story may inspire you.
Good morning Pastor Ray,
I am not sure if you are still accepting letters about the tithing challenge, but I still wanted to let you know how it has affected my life.
My personal tithing challenge actually began back with the All In Building Campaign. I was actually living on a very tight budget and when this began I was really wondering where I could cut back on my already stressed budget. This was during a restructure in the department at my place of employment. Just two days after the announcement of the building campaign I was called by my supervisor and offered one of the new positions created as a team lead, which included a 20% pay increase. I readily accepted and knew God had His hand in this because I was committed to contribute to the building compaign. Prior to the tithing challenge I was already having my tithes withdrawn through the church.
Since this has all happened I have been truly blessed in return and given gifts above and beyond my expectations. As it reads in Malachi 3:10 NLT Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be eoungh food in my Temple. If you do, “says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, “I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test!
I had several unexpected hospitalizations and/or surgeries within the past 18 months that had depleted my PTO (paid time off) and savings. I needed to have a surgery on my right hand that had been put off for the past two years. I had planned to have this done February or March so that I could rebuild my PTO, but due to increased pain and other indications it was necessary to have this performed January 3rd. I was 29 hours short in PTO for the two weeks before short term disability to start, but I could not wait until this was accomplished. Fast forward to my paycheck with this shortage. My department has the opportunity to earn quarterly bonuses, of which the quarter ended on December 31st and they are not usually determined until the end of the following month or early the next month. We have very high goals to meet and the department had been struggling to meet each of the three goals set for the highest payout. Needless to say, the last quarter of 2013 we meet all three goals with two of them meeting the “stretch” requirements for a higher payout. With God’s help, this was determined in the middle of January and was paid out during the pay period with the shortage. This was able to help cushion the loss of the hours and I was able to keep my budget on track.
I have some very close friends who have often questioned me on how I was able to do all the things that I do, like going to Christian concerts. I have always told them that I tithe. They always say to me “you know that is 10% of what you earn and not take home”. I always tell them I know that. They ask me how can I afford to do this and why do I do this. My reply to them is that I have faith that God will always provide for me and that it states in the Bible to give God our first 10% and our blessings will overflow. I am happy to say that I am now able to tithe and offer just slighltly over this now. We serve an Awesome God!!
In Christ’s name,
Susan Ray
Have a truly blessed day.