“Rejoice always. Pray continually. In everything give thanks for this is God’s will in Christ Jesus, concerning you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
A pretty tall order when we don’t always feel like rejoicing or giving thanks in tough times. So what does it mean and why does it matter? Praying always is like keeping the communication channel with God. We can carry on a conversation any time of the day while God can do the same. We don’t just talk. We listen up for His still small voice.
It means “keep an open mic with God with an attitude that give thanks and stays joyful even when it hurts.” Say what? When a broadcast professional is in the booth, they have some professional lingo that indicates that the microphone is “hot” or “on.” We are always “on” with God. Today, we exercise the privilege of praying together strategically as a nation. Pray as a church. Make prayer the first priority when meetings begin and end. Pray for needs of others. Communicate with God one on one alone and together in worship celebrations.
At Forest Pointe, we pray constantly…
- …for every person who will sit in every seat on Saturday night and then again on Sunday. We beg God to fill each seat with a soul that will take their next step on their journey with Christ.
- …for every need of every person that lets us know about their need in an appropriate, confidential manner.
- …before, during, and after every meeting.
- …every time we think about Him and all he has done for us and given for us to do.
- …every breath we breathe and every heartbeat we feel.
On one occasion I met with my mentor, Tom Haggai. I asked him how I could pray for him. He said, “Just pray.” So join with me this week to go to God, cry out to Him, and to ask for His kingdom to come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Just pray.” Good words to begin each day with and to open the conversation as we walk and talk with God everyday.
Just pray.