Geoff and Laura Swanson are young professionals on the move. They’ve got MOMENTUM in their lives. And they really needed some because at one time things were tough and they felt like they had a financial noose around their throat,
Laura says, “When we started dating, Geoff was $80,000 in debt. Didn’t seem like such a big deal, as everyone has credit card debt and school loans and he was trying to pay them off. In 2005, when we got married, we added it up. Our total was now at $160,000.”
And some of us think we have problems! Laura continues,
“Unfortunately, most of this was Geoff’s, due to school loans and living off credit cards.
We decided to start paying it off, smallest bill first. But, we continued to shop, buy cars, buy another house, and go on incredible trips. We put it on credit cards, paying those off every month while we paid extra on the others. We had an amazing life because we thought we could handle it all. But the economy tanked, Geoff’s income was cut in half, and he wanted to start working toward his Master’s degree.”
But then, a ray of hope dawned and began to shine through. They found a solution- and it was not the right lottery ticket or a rich relative leaving them a big inheritance.
“We participated in Financial Peace University at Forest Pointe Church in the spring of 2010. We followed Dave’s rules-no credit cards, a lot of overtime, using the envelopes, and cutting our spending to the bare minimum (no vacations or extra shopping, very little eating out). We followed a strict budget that we agreed on every other week according to our paychecks. As of August 13th, we have PAID OFF our last $35,000 of debt, and are DEBT-FREE EXCEPT FOR THE HOUSE! “
And they have another gift awaiting them if they can stay on track. “We will also have a fully-funded emergency fund of 3-6 months of living expenses by our 5th wedding anniversary in September, and are paying extra on our mortgage too!”
We wish we had found Financial Peace University five years ago. We would have been able to “live like no one else” sooner. But, it’s never too late! We have learned about budgeting and other financial principles we can use now…like investing, insurance, and best of all, giving. We communicate better, and that has improved our marriage exponentially. Our home is peaceful, and we are dreaming again…this time saving up for purchases and making sure we are helping others too. Our friends don’t tease us about Geoff’s credit cards or the changes in our lifestyle anymore…they want to know how we did it!
Think about it- Geoff and Laura Swanson of Gastonia, NC $245,000 in 5 years with the last $35,000 in 6 months! They are breathing easy again. You can too! Sign up for a Financial Peace University group by going to, selecting one of 37 groups meeting at convenient times every day of the week. You can also call 704-825-1709. Tuition is free with a materials cost of only $100.