Our church is in a campaign to raise our faith. We are talking about “5 Things God Uses To Grow Our Faith”.
God uses these five* things:
Practical Teaching
Pivotal Circumstances
Personal Relationships
Private Disciplines
Personal Ministry
Let’s focus on PRIVATE DISCIPLINES that grow our faith. Nothing great is accomplished without prayer.
So we are taking the time during this season as a church to pray in a BIG way. From April 28th at 6:00PM until May 5th at 6:00PM we will pray and read through the entire Bible as a church on the property God has given to us at 6700 Wilkinson Boulevard. 24-hour security is provided.
We are asking people to commit to a time of at least one hour to PRAY and read SCRIPTURE during one hour (or more time slots) so we can ADVANCE as a church.
It’s easy to do. Just stop by The Pointe at 6700 Wilkinson Boulevard anytime this week and pick the times that serve you best. Would YOU pray out of an open heart for what God can do through us as we pray, a ready heart to do what He tells us to do, and a broken heart for the world around us that needs God in a fresh way?
Pray also that we will be good stewards of the resources he has given to us to use for His glory.
If you want to contact me with personal prayer requests or desires to pray and times that may be open, please email me at [email protected]. Prayer is like our personal “open mike” to God. Lets commit to doing it together 24/7 AS THE CHURCH for next week. We will live out the biblical charge to “pray without ceasing” in a very real way.
*I am indebted to Andy Stanley and his team for mentoring us at a distance for this series.